Visual Identity, Placemaking

Love Park

Lounge in Love.


the beloved.

A daunting task—brand the new space for the beloved LOVE statue, one of the most visited, most photographed, most-proposed-by sculptures in Philly. We had all seen the LOVE statue, but the park was brand new. An entire city block, full of food trucks and fountains where you could eat lunch or read a book on your lunch break in the very heart of Center City.


We worked with Fairmount Park Conservancy, the organization curating this new moment of joy nestled among the skyscrapers, to brand and promote the park. The LOVE statue was moving locations to come to this new area, and so we had to be loud, we had to make sure word got out that this would be the new home of the Philly treasure.


Lunch in Love

With bright colors to complement the new green space, and bold type to catch your eye in a city as saturated as Philly, we curated a playful brand experience with the intention of fusing the feeling of joy and fun with this new space before you even set foot on the grounds.


Studio: J2 Design | Creative Director: Brian Jacobson and Cara Cox | Logo Design: Lucy Price | Design Rollout Support: Sam Cush

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